Student - Staff Connect
A unique opportunity for Western students and staff to work collaboratively to
improve learning and transform educational experiences.
How Student-Staff Connect Works.
Collaborate with students in educational initiatives using a fee for service model
If you’re looking for students’ perspectives to improve, challenge, or transform your educational decision-making, SSC is a space where you can access and work with students in a range of different ways: from a panel, facilitating a student focus group, event coordination, and resource creation to authentic co-inquiry.
Collaborate with Students
Transformative Initiatives
SSC is a place where you can propose initiatives intended to transform educational experiences at Western. They can be big and impactful (e.g., strategic projects) or you might have a puzzle at the local level of the classroom. Our focus is on improving educational quality. Whatever your focus, we define education broadly, so talk to us about what’s possible.
A Fee for Service Model
SSC operates on a fee for service model because as a principle, we believe that students’ experiences add value to how universities need to think about transformation. Recognising and remunerating students for their time and effort not only enables more diversity, it allows students to exercise curiosity and generosity in their participation, and to share responsibility.
Ways of connecting Staff with Students.
Student Voice Australia - Student Engagement Continuum
Student-Staff Connect was born out of a commitment to Student-Staff Partnership but we recognise that getting there is a journey. We want to start with where staff are at in that journey, and there are many ways SSC can also provide value to the university community. If you’re at the beginning of engaging with students in a different way, we’ve got your back!
Before you submit your proposal, chat to us about how your initiative can best utilize students’ perspectives.
Student Staff Connect - Services
Consult our Students
‘Here are some options. What do you think?
Some examples might include: Students on a Panel; participating in a focus group; or offering a quick perspective on how they see the relevance of a subject or course.
Request is education-focused
Up to 7 hrs of students’ time
7 working days notice
Funding is available to recognise students’ expertise and contribution
1 x Student: $110 - $420
Involve our Students
‘Here’s a problem. What ideas do you have?’
Some examples might include: Students are involved in user testing; offer feedback on a set of recommendations from a review; or asked to respond to an issues paper.
Request is education-focused
Between 7-35 hrs of students’ time
10 working days notice
Funding is available to recognise students’ expertise and contribution
Starting from - $420
Partner with our Students
‘Let’s identify the issues and work together to develop a plan and implement a solution.’
Some examples might include: Students as partners in assessment co-creation in a subject or across a whole degree; they co-create a professional module; develop a communications campaign; or conceptualise and execute an event.
Request is education-focused
35+ hrs of students’ time
Funding is available to recognise students’ expertise and contribution
Starting from - $1925
If you would like a FREE meeting to refine your idea or better understand the value Student-Staff Partnership get in contact with us!
Submit your Application via Western Now
Click the relevant ‘Criteria’ button above to ensure your project is suitable.
What people have said.
Dr Tendai Chikweche - Innovative Entrepreneurs, 21C Curriculum Champion
“Working with student partners has been the most beneficial experience of developing curriculum over the last 12 years.”
From 2021, the WSU Student Partners worked alongside staff in the 21C Project to co-create curriculum to prepare graduates for the future of work. Tendai Chikweche, School of Business, was one of two Champions who led the Innovative Entrepreneurs team comprised of staff, students and industry partners.
Fiona Salisbury - Executive Director, Library Services
“Working with the WSU Student Partners in the Library elevates and amplifies the student focus of our libraries.”
2023 saw the start of a new partnership between the WSU Student Partners and WSU Library. Led by Fiona Salisbury and Lisa Tyson, one of our projects has been to work with a group of library staff to redesign the university’s Academic Integrity Module which will launch in 2024.
A/Prof Kelly Matthews - University of Queensland, Founder, Australian SAP Roundtable
“… the announcement video for the 2021 SAP Roundtable is amazing! Meshwork of relational, warm, curious, fun, provoking... so good, right?”
The WSU Student Partners won the opportunity to host the 2021 National Students as Partners Roundtable. Founded by Kelly Matthews in 2016, we led and project managed this 3 day online event for 300 people: from ideating the theme, selecting and supporting keynotes, developing the program, designing all the marketing and comms (including videos), and running the event online. It was an experience!