What We Do
We’ve led the development of several curriculum initiatives and resources ourselves intended to expand the University’s partnership landscape.
Check them out below!
A Selection of Our Curriculum Initiatives
Students as Partners: Co-Creating Change.
We developed a Curiosity Pod (15-30 hour learning experience) to introduce WSU students to the case for student-staff partnership.
We Are The University: Students Co-Creating Change
We developed an elective unit where students can co-create change in the university and get credit for it.
#PartnerUp: Student and Staff Co-Creating Agency
We’re developing a professional learning program for staff to support them to engage in partnership with students.
Checkout some of the videos we have made.
Contract Cheating - it’s not worth it!
21C student partners on the importance of academic honesty, integrity and ignoring the temptations of contract cheating.
Zoom is the new classroom.
21C Student Partners on the shift to online learning and the challenges they faced.
Partnership - A Better Way
The journey to the world of student partnership through the eyes of Sophia, a new student partner.
Power in Student-Staff Partnerships
What kind of power do students have that staff don’t have?
Becoming a SAP Changed Me - Maria
How becoming a student partner has changed Maria.
Also, a program of scholarly research.
A Partnership Mindset: students as partners in and beyond the academy
Dancing with power in ‘We Are The University: Students Co-creating Change’: on partnership and collaboration in curriculum co-creation (coming soon)
As students, our experience and expertise are sought after to co-create authentic, engaging and challenging learning experiences that support students to shape their path to success.
Questions? Email Roundtable2021@westernsydney.edu.au