Hi! We’re the 21C Student Curriculum Partners.
The SAP Roundtable Archive
We hosted the National SAP Roundtable on 23-25 November 2021. It was an exciting online experience that brought together SAP practitioners around the world to share and learn about each other’s SAP practice.
10 New Transdisciplinary Minors
Over the past few years we have been co-creating transdiscplinary curriculum to equip any student at WSU with elective space, with the skills needed for the future of work.
We are the Western Sydney University 21C Student Curriculum Partners (SCP).
We made this for you.
We believe students have something to contribute, alongside academics, to making a better university. And if we, as students, were able to understand what we possess and truely see the institution for what it is, we’d realise we’re capable of shaping it and changing things in it.
We made this website to showcase our work. And in doing so to showcase what Students as Partners are capable of accomplishing when a context for authentic partnership is set up around them.
From making curriculum alongside staff, to co-researching, to leading projects at an institutional level, you’ll see the story of how we, the WSU Student Partners, have been shaking things up at Western over the last few years.
We hope it inspires, broadens, challenges & informs your work too!

We Co-Create Change
“Change” because that is what we make.
”Co-Create” because we make that change in partnership with our fellow partners - students, staff and external partners in the community & industry.
We Co-Create Curriculum
From entire units of study to short learning courses all the way to transdisciplinary minors that prepare graduates for the future of work, a significant proportion of the work we do as SCPs at WSU revolves around curriculum co-creation.
We are Co-Researchers
Whether it be through publishing papers, writing book chapters, attending events, giving presentations, we’re consistently contributing to a great discussion going on in the SAP community.
We Lead Initiatives
We’ve had opportunities to lead large scale initiatives both within and outside the university. From hosting the National SAP Roundtable in 2021 to thinking up ways we can scale up partnership across the institution, we’re driving change.
Our Work

Thank You to the DVCA & 21C
Prof. Simon Barrie is the DVCA (Academic) along with the Executive Sponsor of the 21C Project. Prof. Barrie along with the 21C Project have supported our work over the last 5 years.
Our Work
We Co-Create Curriculum
From entire units of study to short learning courses all the way to transdisciplinary minors that prepare graduates for the future of work, a significant proportion of the work we do as SCPs at WSU revolves around curriculum co-creation.
We are Co-Researchers
Whether it be through publishing papers, writing book chapters, attending events, giving presentations, we’re consistently contributing to a great discussion going on in the SAP community.
We Lead Transformative Initiatives
We’ve had opportunities to lead large scale initiatives both within and outside the university. From hosting the National SAP Roundtable in 2021 to thinking up ways we can scale up partnership across the institution, we’re driving change.

We Co-Create Curriculum
From entire units of study to short learning courses all the way to transdisciplinary minors that prepare graduates for the future of work, a significant proportion of the work we do as SCPs at WSU revolves around curriculum co-creation.

We are Co-Researchers
Whether it be through publishing papers, writing book chapters, attending events, giving presentations, we’re consistently contributing to a great discussion going on in the SAP community.

We Lead Transformative Initiatives
We’ve had opportunities to lead large scale initiatives both within and outside the university. From hosting the National SAP Roundtable in 2021 to thinking up ways we can scale up partnership across the institution, we’re driving change.

Thank You to the DCVA & 21C
Prof. Simon Barrie is the DVCA (Academic) along with the Executive Sponsor of the 21C Project. Prof. Barrie along with the 21C Project have supported our work over the last 5 years.
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